Warning signs your computer has malware

April 24th, 2019

Whether you run a startup or a well-established corporation, there are always ways to improve how the business is managed. For some, introducing new corporate policies can streamline business processes, but if you want to see significant improvement, consider enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. What is ERP? Simply put, ERP software integrates various aspects of […]

What goes into a business continuity plan?

April 18th, 2019

When you receive an email from an unfamiliar source urging you to click on a link or download a file, it’s easy to send it straight to the bin due to its spam-like nature. It’s a completely different story when the message is sent via Facebook Messenger by one of your friends. Such is the […]

Tips to monitor employee activities online

April 9th, 2019

Imagine, for a minute, that you’re the CEO of a scrappy, promising new start-up. In the beginning, it was just you and two other employees working on dinky PCs out of a 12-by-12-foot office, but times are picking up and the company is heading into the uncharted waters of rapid growth. As the business moves […]

How to boost your SMB’s social media presence

April 8th, 2019

In 2016, the Locky ransomware infected millions of users with a Microsoft Word file. It was eventually contained, and cyber security firms have since created protections to detect and block previous Locky variants. However, a similar malware is currently spreading worldwide and has so far infected tens of thousands of computers. Quick facts According to […]

Productivity tip: Email automation

April 2nd, 2019

Today’s workforce is no longer confined to office walls. People work from home, while they’re commuting to and from work, and even on vacation. This is made possible thanks to remote access solutions, and Amazon’s powerful web features. Here’s what you need to know about this powerful application streaming service. What is it? Initially released […]

Deciding whether to have an in-house IT team or a managed IT services provider (MSP) manage your business IT infrastructure can be difficult. This eBook from Stronghold Services Corporation will help you determine which option is best for your company.CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD