The dangers of password autofill

January 31st, 2022

Modern web browsers and password managers come with a feature called password autofill. This helps users store and automatically use their account credentials to access websites and other applications. While password autofill is convenient, it comes with security risks. Why password autofill is so dangerous Modern web browsers and password managers have a feature that […]

What are identity and access management systems?

January 14th, 2022

Businesses frequently deploy strong antivirus software and firewalls to protect themselves against cyberattacks, but relying on just those is not enough. A cutting-edge identity and access management (IAM) solution is essential for protecting your digital assets from hackers, rogue employees, and weak passwords. What is IAM? Identity and access management is a system that secures, […]

It’s Time To Wake Up To The Reality Of Cyber Security In 2022

January 14th, 2022

All across the world, hackers are targeting and exploiting security weaknesses and holding data hostage. In May, the Colonial Pipeline was hit by a cyber-attack that disrupted fuel supplies along the East Coast for several days. The company – and the FBI – paid hackers $4.4 million in Bitcoin to regain control of the system. […]

Is it a good idea to monitor your employees’ online activities?

January 10th, 2022

In a world where the internet plays such a crucial role in any and all businesses, it can be hard to imagine a time when employers didn’t place as much emphasis on monitoring their workers’ online activities. Today, many managers and team leaders feel the need to keep an eye on what their employees do […]

Deciding whether to have an in-house IT team or a managed IT services provider (MSP) manage your business IT infrastructure can be difficult. This eBook from Stronghold Services Corporation will help you determine which option is best for your company.CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD